Brand Identity
Four Harts Games
Four Harts Games is a family-owned game component company who aims to create joyful, innovative games and accessories that bring family and friends together to make every moment count.
This logo was supposed to be fierce, energetic, fun, as well as portray the company as innovative, modern and professional. It is used on the company’s website, social media, business cards, promotional material, and on products, such as game pieces, cards, and other products. The logo had to be versatile and recognizable at a small scale in print.
Their family also has Nordic roots, so they wanted to incorporate that into the logo as well.
The final logo mark design is inspired by Nordic knot patterns, as well as runes. It is a combination of the Nordic runes for: “Joy and Comfort” & “Insight and Inspiration”. The angular nature of the mark gives it movement and energy, showing that they are are moving forward, but the ties to Norse culture shows that tradition is important to their family, and their company.
For the wordmark, we went with a fantasy-inspired look, to appeal to their target demographic of fantasy gameplayers, and also represent their family’s heritage.